Got a legal issue? Need help understanding legal documents? Unsure where you stand legally? Find out how Shoalcoast can help you.
Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre works to positively change laws and policies for the benefit of our clients.
As part of our mission to make law more accessible to all, Shoalcoast offers Community Legal Education (CLE) to groups of community workers and members.
A variety of resources and factsheets to assist you and ensure that anyone can access help when they need it.
Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre has been the South Coast's only legal centre since 1999.
In 1999, Illawarra Legal Centre recognised the need for a legal centre south of Wollongong. A research project was conducted, and became the basis for a funding proposal to create Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre. 20 years later and we are still going strong.
We are funded by Commonwealth and State Government via the Community Legal Services Program which is administered by Legal Aid NSW.
We give free and confidential legal advice over the phone and face to face. We give regular face to face appointments in various towns on the South Coast and the Southern Tablelands
Ulladulla & Districts Community Centre. 78 St Vincent St, Ulladulla